

Earn real cashback on your purchases

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Multiple Stores

Shop from International and local Stores

Who are we ?

Experts in e-commerce & marketing world

esterdad (Web & App) is managed by JM INTERFACE LTD, a registered company in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), with a regional office in the kingdom of Bahrain. esterdad is the 1st cashback & coupons platform in Gulf developed to contribute to the e-commerce business growth by offering a unique shopping experience to the end-user such as:

  • Digital /Printable Coupons for local retail stores.
  • Discount coupons for e-commerce retailers.
  • Real Cashback on a wide range of international & local stores.
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what we do?

We deliver a new shopping experiences to everyday

esterdad offers a unique shopping experience that benefits the store and the consumer at the same time. We offer Cashback deals and discount coupons for International and local stores in the Middle East and North Africa region.

This will also bring great benefits to the consumer in terms of getting the opportunity to shop at a lower price and benefit from real cashback offers.
